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Showing posts from November, 2023

Unit 3 Playtest 1

  Games Played Knights, Wizards, and More The Gray Cross H.O.P.E. Cure Extraction Formal Elements (Knights, Wizards, and More) Players Knights, Wizards and More (KWM) is a 4 Player game, with a Multilateral Interaction Pattern Objectives The main objective of KWM is to be the last player standing Accomplishing this comes with some smaller objectives along the way, such as Acquiring better gear Defeating other Opponents Rules Each card has special rules for when it is played, which are shown on the cards Players can only move the number of spaces that corresponds to their dice roll Players must take turns When Players cross paths on the game board, they enter combat When a Player’s HP reaches 0, they are out of the game The card you draw is determined by the color of the space you land on after moving Procedures Rolling the Dice (Movement, Defending, Attacking) Flipping a Coin (Deciding who goes first) Using Cards (Items, Equipment, Special) Moving your Character Drawing Car...